Jacquard Procion Dye Set | 4 Shades + Soda Ash

Coldwater, fibre reactive Procion MX dye set by Jacquard. A great range to get you up and running or to refill your dye stash!

Comes complete with the essentials including Four Shades, Soda Ash Dye Fixer & Procion Dye Colour Wheel Mixing Chart.

Check out our Egyptian Cotton Bundles - a perfect fabric to use with your dyes!

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Jacquard Procion Dye Set | 4 Shades + Soda Ash

Jacquard Procion Dye Set | 4 Shades + Soda Ash


Procion Set Info. 

Shades included: Lemon Yellow, Fuchsia, Turquoise, Jet Black. 

When you are ready to restock or branch out into other shades - all Procion Shades Are Available Individually

Procion MX Dye Info.

Procion MX dyes are “cold water dyes” that do not require heat and instead fix chemically to the fibres you are working with. This unique property sets Procion MX apart from all other dyes and establishes them as the undisputed king of backyard dyeing, batik and tie dye.

As Procion MX dyes can be used away from the oven top, they are also perfect for Shibori, ice dyeing, tub and low water immersion dyeing, printing, direct painting and other “alternative” dye applications.

As a fibre reactive dye, Procion MX forms a strong covalent bond with cellulose fibres, making it one of the most permanent and washfast of all dyestuffs. Mix the concentrated dye powder with warm tap water to create the most vibrant of all colours for cotton, linen and other plant-based fabrics.

Procion MX dyes are typically used with a soda ash fixative, which can be added directly to the dye bath or used to pre-treat the fabric for example when tie dyeing.

Ideal for use with the following cellulose fibres:
Cotton, linen, canvas hemp, jute, ramie, sisal, paper, rayon and more.

Jacquard Dyes

Created by Jacquard Products, a leading manufacturer of dyes and ancillary items for use with fabric and other mediums. Family owned and operated, Jacquard are superb fit with Empress and are committed to offering top-quality materials.